Can't kill me that easy

Before you say anything, yes I realise you've all already held a funeral for my dead-ass corpse. I'm sorry I've been away so long and if I was in your shoes I would have assumed that I had given up on the game too.

But I haven't! And I've been hustling! Not all the time I mean it was Christmas; give me a break.

So here's what this update brings:

  • Clothes!

Finally HD-chan can stop being completely starkers and put some damn clothes on. This update introduces an initially very modest selection of clothing: panties, a bra, a bunch of socks, a t-shirt, and a skirt. This is not the extensive wardrobe that will one day exist in the game, but a lot of time was spent learning the workflow for creating clothing for such a customisable and flexibly animated character.

Making this skirt have physics and not clip to fuck was the hardest thing anyone has ever done.

  • Hair physics!

That is to say, fake hair physics.

Hair meshes in HYPERDEEP are one of the things that I feel people will be most interested in customizing with their own models, and with the system currently in place it is not possible to import skeletal meshes at runtime. I wanted to implement something that would allow static meshes to exhibit a little bit of lifelike movement without having the necessary assets in place to simulate it for real. In pursuit of this goal, I have put together a little bit of shader-based barber wizardry (or "barbzerdry" as I call it) which can be switched on and off for your imported hair meshes. This feature will likely receive more refinement over time as inevitable glitches rear their ugly heads.

  • Addon system stuff!

As it stands, adding models to the game is a bit of a janky process and feels more like modding than a feature. As time goes on, I would like to continually smooth out this process until its easy enough for everyone to enjoy. As a first step, this update adds a new UI for creating addons which allows you to move your models around with a gizmo that should be much more intuitive.

Created addons are saved to a folder in the game directory. You can browse this library of addons in-game and add addons to your scene quickly and easily and without any bugs that fuck everything up and crash the game (not a promise).

  • And finally the most anticipated feature of all... shilling for money!

Yes folks the time has arrived for me to beg you for cash. I have started a Patreon like all good internet entrepreneurs. Working on Hyperdeep is incredibly fun for me, and I hope to continue doing it no matter what happens, but it also takes an enormous amount of time and effort that I might otherwise be using to make stacks of paper. Some incredibly generous people have already donated to me through Itch, and I'm incredibly grateful to them, but I've still spent more money making Hyperdeep than I have made from it (mainly UE4 plugins).

If this sob story made you cry, maybe consider subscribing to give me some scraps. Subscribers can get early access to updates to the game, but for those of you who live in tin shacks on the beach and don't have any money or a credit card than please don't worry: game updates will eventually make their way to you for free too.


Jan 12, 2021



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(1 edit) (+1)

Heck yeah! This game is one of the things inspiring me to learn blender, keep up the good work!

Thanks! That's great to hear, hit me up on here or Reddit or Twitter if you have any questions about blender stuff


Christmas messes up everybody's schedule, I can relate! Brb, subscribing on Patreon

Have a good time continuing to dev this! May many patrons bless you and may you make a living from this 

Thanks man, I really appreciate your support. Not just monetarily but your incredibly encouraging words too.