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very nice :O

that's the best game ever made

hope you keep updating and developing

I think some slider value ranges need to  be tweaked to a fixed minimum and maximum along with some other values but this looks like it has great potential so far.

Quest plz

You're making great progress! It looks amazing so far except for some bugs. I found two pretty big ones in 0.6.0, one I triggered after (in the character creator) pressing mmb to open the mouth and selecting a different character it mangles all other models except the first one selected. The second (And much more important) bug I think was triggered when I minimized each nose slider and maximized nose angle it completely bricked my graphics card. My screen froze but my computer still was working (Song I had on still playing). Restarting my pc didn't fix it until I unplugged it. Sorry, I don't know much about computers and coding but I hope this helps. You're doing some very impressive work!


add footjob to plz



can you add your own models to this game some how?

this is divine, really. your an artist! Idk what else to say but this is great. great if there were a little more to do other than BJs but thats asking for too much


Great game, i just think it would be cool if you could choose the hands to be playing with herself




how about a pause button.

The game is good but on my laptop the models begin stretching more and more and after a while the girl will be flailing like a windmill with no way to stop the game for one second. Or maybe a way to reset the model.


smh u cant deeprthoat in auto mode she just sucks the tip

you can js press >

When update?

Deleted 1 year ago

you could try use a Virtual machine


You should make one for normal sex, and with the same mechanics

need a discord for updates and like the game 

Tem um jeito de baixar as versões antigas ?

Isso só acontece comigo, ou as mãos da menina, tão bem como seus braços e seios simplismente estão quebrados ? E quando eu ativo o modo automático, eles são " consertados ". Tem algo que eu possa fazer ou é meu dispositivo que não têm jeito ?

I'm not very familiar with Patreon games like this, do I need a subscription to get access to the full game or is there a one time payment option?


Patreon is a monthly subscription service for fevs.  Its how most of the developers make the money they need in order to continue developement. In order to have complete access to the full version, you need to be a monthly subscriber.


This game is an underrated diamond! At first I was very skeptical about her. A modern implementation of SDT would be the most desirable game for me, but there are too many unsuccessful ones. But this game turned out to be a pleasant exception! In addition to a nice picture and convenient interaction, the game is very... Harmonious. Everything is really moving as it should. The character editor is simple and very detailed, although there are few options in it. Met two... Probably these are two bugs? First: when a girl does not take a penis in her mouth, but approaches the balls, the penis seems to disappear. The second, although I'm not sure that this is a bug: In the "on all fours" pose with minimal growth, she can't take the penis to the end. Hands also behave very strangely during a handjob. But it doesn't matter! It is important that the game is great, even if it is still in the process of development. Turning to the developer, I would like to ask you to add a little gameplay! This is what all these games are missing and SDT was missing. Make this game more than just a dick sucking simulator. Add to it at least some sense in sucking this dick. Perhaps generated and stupid, perhaps large and prescribed, and perhaps small episodic. But there's some point in sucking that dick. And then this game will be a real masterpiece, not a simulator.


Can you make an Android version available please?

is there a discord?


how can i move the character


and why is so glitchy

I tried to change the resolution of the game to windowed and now my monitor doesn't recognize the game anymore... :/

Is there a way to make the auto mode go deeper that I'm missing?

You can use the , and . keys to switch between different patterns. All the inputs are listed when you press H in game.


😲 What is this? An update! No way!


finally, people who are tired of the same old boring visual novel games!


Is there a way I can change the exit button, cause I have exited way too many times on accident


it has been a year and a half since the last version, and more then a year since the update post, I would like to put money to this game (even though I don't like putting money into patron) but I don't even know what's in the version newest versions, and really don't want to add another discord to the many I'm in just to see updates

Deleted post

STD? Is that a game? Can you give me the link

Deleted post
(1 edit)

Super Deepthroat, it's a great game and easy to figure out mods. You want SDT 2


Man.. The game is great so far! But man... The controls are horrible...

It took me ages to figure out the free-camera... Press "0" then "m" to active the free-cam. Then you move the camera with WASD, then "m" again to close it back... Instead of something like "hold right-click" (Or "Mouse-3") to activate free-cam. Mouse to move it. And "release right-click" to desactivate it. Like why is opening the mouth on "right-click"?

And seriously, why "Esc" to close the game?! No warning, No confirmation... Are you the freaking devil or something? Do you feed off other peoples misery?... I keep hitting "Esc" when trying to close the side menu... Over and over and over again... I am ultimately at fault here. Yes... But Man! This goes against ~15 years of pc gaming muscle memory.

Yeah, I get it, its an alpha and Im no programer. It must not be as simple as I think it is. And most of my complains will be fixed later down the line... But man... Please! Give me a "Quit game?" confirmation or something!

Except for the unintuitive controls, its really great so far! Ill definitely keep an eye on this!

Keep up the good work mate!


is it just me or is it impossible to install


anyone figure this out


Any plans for mac version?


Please add a taker PO


Will you be putting the game on Android

Everytime I save a preset and open up  the game again, it's gone. How can I "actually" save it, so I can load it up again?

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